Why do I write?

  • Social media is amazing and overwhelming all at once.  I struggle because I want to write, but yet I take a million photos/videos on my phone that I want to share, so currently Instagram is the platform that seems easiest.   If you'd like to follow along on my journey with my parents, the link is below.  I post a lot of flashback posts as they come on my Facebook "on this day" feature... because I'm so afraid I will forget the things that happened.  And I always post when I visit them. Or when I come across something from their belongings that I have in my home that trigger a memory or a thought.  

    I don't write about this to get your sympathy or attention. I write about it because it is therapeutic to me.  On my bad days, I can go back and read and remember what we have been through and what I have been able to accomplish for Mom and Dad.   I also write because I know there is someone else out that is dealing with a double diagnosis of Alzheimer's Dementia with both parents.  I hope if that someone is you, you will reach out to me.  It would help me to know that I'm not alone.   I also write because my children encourage me to. They like reading my words, and I hope that when their turn comes to take care of their father and I, they will remember how much love and heart I put into that role with my own parents. 

    Here is the link to my IG page:


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